HydroMedics Mobile IV Hydration
Optimize your health & "Stay Hydrated Ya'll"
Choose from our many drips that support dehydration, fatigue, pre or post viral/ FLU/ COVID, headaches, muscle recovery, hangovers and so much more!

IV drip hydration therapy is a revolutionary wellness solution that offers immediate and effective relief from dehydration, fatigue, and various nutrient deficiencies.

Our Most Popular IV Drips
Plain Drip
Ingredients: Normal Saline 1000CCBenefits: Replace Essential Fluids, Get Important Electrolytes, Boost Energy Levels
Duration: 1 Hour
Myer's Mix
Ingredients: B-Complex, B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium ChlorideBenefits: Helps alleviate stress, Improves immunity, Restores balance, Provides hydration, Helps reduce migraines, Reduces chronic pain
Duration: 1 Hour
Restore & Revive
Beauty Drip
Ingredients: B-Complex, B12, Vitamin C, GlutathioneBenefits: Rehydration, Boosting the immune system, Relieving stress, Anti-aging, Improves blood circulation
Duration: 1 Hour
Gym Bag
Fitness Bag
Ingredients: B-Complex, B12, Magnesium Chloride, Glutathione, Amino Blend, **Zinc(Optional)Benefits: Replenishes & Boosts energy, Improves endurance & strength, Speeds up recovery time
Duration: 1 Hour
Hangover Cure
Ingredients: B-Complex, B12, Magnesium Chloride, Toradol, ZofranBenefits: Quick headache relief, Quick nausea relief, Rapid rehydration
Duration: 1 Hour
Immunity Bag
Post-viral Drip
Ingredients: Vitamin C (Double Dose), B-Complex, B12, Glutathione, ZincBenefits: Immune support, Illness recovery, Anti-inflamatory, Protect against infections
Duration: 1 Hour
Skinny Drip
Weight Loss
Ingredients: B-Complex, B12, Amino Blend, L-Taurine, LIPO/B12 InjectionBenefits: Optimize your vitamin levels and absorption, Helps you recover from workouts faster, Boost your adrenal gland, Improve your sleep
Duration: 1 Hour
Our Happy Clients
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Highly Experienced Professionals
HydroMedics is a mobile IV Hydration company founded in 2022 by two local paramedics who still work on an ambulance to this day. Not only is HydroMedics owned and operated by the founders but we also employee other local EMTS, Paramedics, nurses, to offer mobile IV hydration response in the Middle Tennessee region.